

Information regarding SSE related initiatives from previous years



“When we “skill” our knowledge, life is well-balanced. When we “kill” our knowledge, the balance is upset.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Summer Showers 20 May 1991)


The SSE teacher’s manual has a comprehensive set of resources for prayers from different religions, sample lessons plans and bibliography by age group. In recent years however, as more resources are available in digital format, there has been an ongoing effort to develop a central repository for SSE teachers and coordinators. These include discourses by Sri Sathya Sai Baba, devotional songs in multiple languages, stories, activities, life application and enrichment webinars.

It is an ongoing process as the team collects and compiles resources that are authentic and applicable to development of a lesson plan.


If you have suggestions or resources (that has been vetted), kindly email and include in the subject line “resources.”


SSE Teachers’ Training

The authentic human values cannot be learned from books or from lessons given by teachers or gifted by elders. They can be acquired only by experience and example. You (the teacher) must be the example, and the children have to experience.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba on June 01, 1985, SSS v18, N13

Since 1986, SSE Teacher Trainings have been conducted in all regions of the United States. All prospective teachers are required to attend a standard two-day training course, where an in-depth discussion and demonstration of the program is conducted.

Since October 2020, the National Education Coordinator in collaboration with the Regional Education Coordinators and local facilitators have conducted online training (total 16 hours) in lieu of in-person training. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory to receive a certificate of completion. The new trainees then required to undergo at least 6 months of mentorship and apprenticeship.


During the training, the SSE Teacher’s Manual is studied extensively. The syllabus includes:

Module 1: Introduction to the Sai Spiritual Education Program

Module 2: Principles of Educare: Integrating the FIVE- sheaths, senses, elements and human values

Module 3: Lesson Components- how to prepare a lesson plan

Module 4: SSE Focus areas- Unity of faiths, Ceiling on desires and the five Ds

Module 5: Child development and learning theory related to SSE to also include classroom discipline and atmosphere

Module 6: Role of teachers and parents

Module 7: Lesson plan preparations by small groups (practice in lesson plan development will occur in between modules)



There are several enrichment programs available both at a national and regional level. All SSE teachers, whether experienced or new, are encouraged to attend as many virtual sessions as possible. Enrichment workshops may also be available at a national and regional level. All SSE teachers must attend at least two enrichment workshops each year.

These workshops focus on specific aspects of the spiritual program. For example, a workshop might include a discussion on the five kosas (sheaths) and the importance of a healthy diet, deep breathing, calming the senses, and listening to the conscience. Another example might be a story-telling demonstration, role play, and group discussions.


For more information on Teacher training and enrichment, please contact your local Center Education Coordinator or send an email to


National Initiatives

During the first quarter meeting, Education Coordinators (National and Regional) discussed and identified key initiatives for the calendar year  a) to engage and inspire SSE children, parents and teachers, b) to create opportunities for multi-regional collaboration and c) to create a repository of resources. As a result, the following initiatives were developed and implemented.

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