

Bal Vikas (Sai Spiritual Education) is the primary basis of the great movement to restore righteousness (dharma) in the world….The ideal of the [program] is to raise a generation of boys and girls who have a clean and clear conscience.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, SSSS Vol 10/Chap 33, June 6, 1978

The end of education is character. Education without character is of no value.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Prasanthi Nilayam, November 20, 2001

Educare as an approach that brings out the inherent qualities of truth, righteousness, peace, love, and non-violence, aligning the heart, head, and hands.

True education, according to Sai Baba, “broadens the heart and deepens love.”

It fosters unity, brings out divine qualities, and shapes a well-rounded personality.

Uniform:  Khaki pants And Orange Polo shirt with Logo (Shirt can be purchased from the SSE coordinator)

Along with active participation of all parents. Sai Parents study circles are held every Sunday during SSE class time and all parents are highly encouraged to participate regularly.

The success of the SSE program relies on a strong partnership between parents, students, and teachers (gurus). Parents are expected to ensure their child’s regular attendance, discipline, participate in SSE activities and center events, and adhere to the 9-Point Code of Conduct.

Sai Center of Greater St. Louis

11952 Natural Bridge Rd,

Bridgeton, MO 63044

Objectives of the Sai Spiritual Education Program

“The aim of Educare is to teach the child awareness of the Self.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) Program

Bal Vikas means, literally, “blossoming of the child.” Bal Vikas or Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) as the program is known outside of India encourages children to live by the ancient truths or Sanathana Dharma that Sri Sathya Sai Baba, by His life and message, exemplifies.  

The primary objective of the program is to awaken the latent divine qualities within each child. This is done gradually, through an emphasis on the cardinal human values of Truth, Right Action, Love, Peace and Nonviolence. The teaching is a process of what Sri Sathya Sai Baba speaks of as educare- knowledge revealed from within. One of the most important factors in the process is the teacher him or herself: the SSE teacher must be a living example of the values and virtues being taught.  

Onsite SSE classes 

Onsite SSE classes are organized by the Sathya Sai Baba centers and held weekly at a time and place suitable to the members of the Center. Typically, the classes are conducted between September and June following the regular school year. The program is an integral part of the Center activities.  

Students are enrolled in the program in four SSE groups according to the grades they are attending in secular school: 

SSE group 1- Grades 1 through 3 

SSE group 2- Grades 4 through 6 

SSE group 3- Grades 7 through 9 

SSE group 4- Grades 10 through 12

There are 10 regions in the United States with over 100 SSE programs at Sathya Sai Baba Centers. The program has grown significantly, and currently there are over 3000 SSE students and over 750 volunteer teachers and coordinators who dedicate their time and energy to create a purposeful program for the students. 

Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) Online SSE Program 

The SSSIO Online SSE program is an International Program for children who are unable to attend a Sathya Sai Baba center SSE Program for various reasons. If you have SSE classes at a nearby Sathya Sai Baba center, we request you to please enroll your children for the in-person SSE program at the respective Sathya Sai Baba Center. 

Please find the details of the program in this SSSIO Online SSE Program Description.

You can apply to this program if you would like your child to be considered. There are a limited number of seats and students are selected on a case by case basis. Please fill out the registration form: Online SSE Program Registration

Sathya Sai Education in Human Values

By the 1980s, the SSE program was also adapted to foster human and spiritual values in children in the local community without the focus on a specific spiritual teacher. This new program called Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) is taught in community and after-school settings. 

“What the head thinks must be examined by the heart and then put into action by the hands. Education must broaden the vision to include the entire world and all mankind.”

Sri Sathya Sai Baba



Devotion to the Lord is only a form of discipline to reach the goal. Seekers should not stop with acquisition of devotion; they should pay attention not so much to the devotion or love that they have toward the Lord but to the love and grace that the Lord bestows on them! They must be always eager to find out which behavior, what acts will be most pleasing to the Lord, will fill the Lord with bliss (ananda). Inquire about that, yearn for that, carry out the things that will secure that objective, be engaged in acts conducive to gain it, that is real devotion (bhakthi).


Ten Guiding Principles:

1. Love and serve your country. Do not be critical of others’ countries.
2. Honor all religions for each is a pathway to God.
3. Love all people without distinction; know that humanity is a single community.
4. Keep home and surroundings clean.
5. Help people to become self-reliant. Provide food and shelter, love and care, for the sick and the aged.
6. Be examples of honesty. Do not participate in any corruption such as bribery.
7. Do not develop jealousy, hatred, or envy on any account.
8. Develop self-reliance; become your own servant before proceeding to serve others.
9. Adore God, abhor sin.
10. Observe your country’s laws and be an exemplary citizen.

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 18/Ch. 23, Nov. 21, 1985


SSE Students' Multi-Faith Journey: St. Louis, MO

Sai Spiritual Education students of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Greater St. Louis, MO, embarked on an exciting multi-faith journey to various places..


Young Adults Teach Summer School: Chicago, IL

Young Adults (YAs) from the Sri Sathya Sai Centers in Chicagoland organized the annual summer school for K-8 children in Chicago..


Medical Camp: Denver, CO

The SSSIO held a free medical camp in Denver, Colorado. It was hosted by the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Southeast Denver at the Grace United Methodist


Sai Unity Center Pantry Service: Lowell, MA


EASE Workshop: Southwest Region, SSSIO-USA


Young Souls, Great Impact: Tracy, CA

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